Earth Day Afterparty!

Environmental Service Management Group, Inc. was honored to provide a seminar (in Asbury Park, NJ) on the new TRUE certification, an event sponsored by the NJ chapter of the United States Green Building Council. With over 25 years of sustainability management under his belt, Michael Buono (owner) led an eager class through the new Total Resource Use & Efficiency Zero Waste Certification program, explaining what it means for companies and their sustainably minded vendors.
In the TRUE spirit of Earth Day, ESMG walked its talk for this event, using solar panels to power cameras, speakers and amplifiers. In addition to promoting a zero energy approach, all waste was either recycled or composted. We look forward to the going even further for Earth Day 2019, so be sure to join us!
The event, held at art629 Gallery in Asbury Park, featured a guest appearance by architect and LEED Fellow, Jason Kliwinski, a musical performance by the recycle-rock band, Homeless Apians, and locally grown cuisine by Kula Cafe.
Click the link below to view the video from this very special event!